Agile development capacity that meets your technical needs
NBI offers commercial companies a complete solution to scale your development capacity and accelerate the delivery of your project to market. Our deep technical and operational knowledge allows us to quickly understand what is truly needed to meet your needs. Instead of wading through a pit of staffing firms who send volumes of resumes and fight over commissions, NBI sends you a few resumes of the right talent for the right project at the right time out of our vast network of premier and cleared developers and support professionals. The end result is the quickest time to execution while minimizing risk and cost.
Fast and Accurate Placements
NBI staffing experts were formerly operational in highly technical, development, and support disciplines and understand the technical requirements and identifies the bottlenecks of highly complex projects. We intelligently match premium talent and teams to the right companies, projects, and roles. HR and hiring managers are given a small number of the right talent to choose from, making hiring quick and painless.

Hard-to-Staff Disciplines
The innovation of the market is not only accelerating, but expanding to utilize old, contemporary, and emerging technologies. This creates demand for talent and teams proficient in hard-to-find disciplines. NBI has a large network of on-demand talent and teams that specializes in providing senior-level capabilities in these disciplines including Windchill, CAD development, and many more.

HR-Friendly Contracting and Conversion
NBI realizes that commercial companies may have fluid requirements from their staffing and team requirements. We offer flexible and agile contracting that cost-effectively allows HR departments to convert temp employees to full-time. NBI also offers flexible contracting so the staff can be added or removed as needed. The result is an elastic approach to development and support capacity that limits liabilities and risk.

PRESS RELEASE: CHC Pinellas’ ACO Realizes 54% Reduction in ED Utilization through CCM Learn More